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Restorative Services
in Downey

Scientific Research Has Made Restorative Treatments Comfortable & Long Lasting

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full mouth restoration

Full Mouth Restoration

The oral condition exists in concert with the normal function of each part. When one system is in decline others are affected, eventually resulting in poor oral health overall. A full mouth restoration returns normal function to each part for complete oral health.

Understanding Full Mouth Restoration

Dental Implants in Downey

When a tooth goes missing, no matter the reason a dental implant is a fantastic solution. 

Read about 
Care Following the Placement of Dental Implants

dental implants
dental crowns

Inlays, Onlays and Crowns

Inlays, Onlays and Crowns do a great job at preserving a severely damaged natural tooth with long lasting results.

Learn more about  Inlays, Onlays and Crowns Strengthen Your Tooth

Dentures, Partial, & Bridges

When all or many teeth are missing, you will find that dentures, partials, and bridges are the conservative replacement option. 

Read about 4 Type of Dentures.

dentures and bridges
tooth extraction


We work hard to prevent extraction, but when it is necessary our gentle skilled dentists take good care of you. 

Root Canals

Root canals are a final solution to save a tooth from extraction, when infection has reached the pulp. The inner canal is cleaned, sterilized and filled. Then a crown is placed over top of the existing structure to seal the tooth and prevent further damage. 

Root canal therapy

root canal treatment
dental bonding

Dental Bonding

Dental bonding is a conservative approach to repairing damaged teeth.

Bone Grafts

Bone grafting is a procedure required when bone mass is diminished and unable to support replacement options. 

Understanding Bone Grafting

bone grafting
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